Diabetes-Related Foot Conditions
Some people with diabetes develop numbness in the feet or poor blood flow. That can make it difficult to notice blisters, sores and cuts. Undetected and untreated wounds can quickly become infected, leading to complications and sometimes amputation. There are many strategies to protect your from wounds and infection.What are diabetes-related foot conditions?People with diabetes often have problems with their feet. They may develop foot develop sores, deformities and infections more easily.If not treated quickly, a foot ulcer or blister on a person with diabetes can get infected. Sometimes a surgeon must amputate (remove) a toe, foot or part of the leg to prevent the spread of infection.Who might have problems with diabetes-related foot conditions?Foot problems often occur in people with diabetes, especially among those who have:Nerve damage or poor blood flow in the feet.Trouble managing blood glucose levels over long periods, including frequent episodes of hyperglycemia (blood sugar that’s too high).A BMI of more than 25 (overweight/obesity).Had diabetes for a long time.High blood pressure or high cholesterol.How common are diabetes-related foot conditions?The chance that a person with diabetes will develop a foot condition at some time in their life is about 15%.What are the symptoms of diabetes-related neuropathy?The signs of diabetes-related neuropathy may include:Darkened skin on the affected area.Diminished ability to sense hot or cold.Loss of hair in the area.Numbness.Pain.Tingling.If diabetes-related neuropathy leads to foot ulcers, symptoms to watch out for include:Any changes to the skin or toenails, including cuts, blisters, calluses or sores.Discharge of fluid or pus.Foul smell.Pain.Redness.Skin discoloration.Swelling.How are diabetes-related foot ulcers treated?Care for diabetes-related foot pain may involve a doctor who specializes in the feet, called a podiatrist. Treatment may include:Cleaning the wound.Draining any fluid or pus from the ulcer.Removing or cutting away dead or infected tissue (called debridement).Applying special bandages and ointments to absorb extra fluid, protect the wound and help it heal.Prescribing a wheelchair or crutches to take weight off the affected foot (called offloading).Prescribing oral or IV antibiotics to manage and eliminate infection.Depending on how severe the infection is, your healthcare provider may recommend hospitalization. Sometimes amputation is necessary to prevent infection from spreading to other parts of the body.
What Are Insulin Pumps?
Everyone with type 1 diabetes and many people with type 2 need to take insulin to manage their blood sugar levels. For now, there are two options: injecting it with a needle or pen, or using an insulin pump.An insulin pump is a small computerized device. It delivers insulin through a thin tube that goes under your skin.How an Insulin Pump WorksThe device releases insulin almost the way your body naturally would: a steady flow throughout the day and night, called basal insulin, and an extra dose at mealtime, called a bolus, to handle rising blood sugar from the food you eat. You program the pump for both basal and bolus doses. If you eat more than normal, you can program a larger bolus to cover the carbs in your food. A bolus can bring down high blood sugar at other times, too.The pump is about the size of a smartphone. You attach it to your body using an infusion set: thin plastic tubing and either a needle or a small tapered tube called a cannula you put under the skin. The place where you put it in -- your belly, buttock, or sometimes thigh -- is called the infusion site. Some pumps come with inserters for easier placement even in hard-to-reach areas.Insulin pumps use short-acting and rapid-acting insulin, but not long-acting, since the pump is programmed to deliver a small amount continuously to keep your blood sugar levels even.Advantages of an Insulin PumpYou’ll need fewer needle sticks. A pump requires one shot every few days when you change your infusion set.A pump is more accurate than shots, helping you better manage blood sugar levels.You’ll have fewer blood sugar lows, which is important if you often have hypoglycemia.It may improve your A1c levels.Dosing for meals and snacks is easier.It’s easier to plan for exercise.It’s easier to bolus.It helps manage early morning high blood sugar, also called the “dawn phenomenon.”One thing to keep in mind: You’ll always need to have regular injectable insulin on hand in case the pump stops working.Disadvantages of an Insulin PumpYou’ll need to enter information into the pump all day and change out the infusion set every few days.You’ll need to commit to using it safely, including checking your blood sugar to make sure the pump is working right. Otherwise, you risk a life-threatening problem called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).You’ll need training to learn to use the pump, which means several visits with your health care team or a full day of outpatient training.Pump supplies can be expensive.An insulin pump may not be right for you if:You don’t want to wear a device that lets people know you have diabetes.You don’t like the feeling of wearing a device.You’re not comfortable operating the pump.You don’t want to check your blood sugar at least four times a day.You’re not sure you want to do the work to figure out insulin dosing, carbs, and physical activity.Which Pump Is Best?All insulin pumps have benefits and drawbacks. Your choice will depend on what’s most important to you. Do you want an easy setup? Low up-front cost? Ease of use? Since most insurance companies will replace your pump only after several years of use, it’s important to find one that works for you.
Take it! Belongs to your and pump benefits
Sorry,Phray Medical has sent it for free...Is there always a problem?Insulin pump is smallBut there is no place to put it Never appearedBut indeedYou need itInsulin pump portable protective bagSolve all your inconvenience 1) Active objectsAll diabetics using insulin pumps2) Activity modeEach pump is given a Swiss-made insulin pump portable protective bag + a diabetes education manual3) Ways of participationIndividual users participating in the event need to pay attention to the "Ruiyu Medical" public number on WeChat, and obtain free credits through the public information message. Message content: name, delivery address and contact information, insulin pump brand used, age and situation, purchase channel4) DeadlineMay 22, 2019Please refer to the official notification of Ruiyu for details. Ruiyu MedicalGive you the most careful careWhen you need it mostBehind usWork side by side with you to fight diabetes
March Exhibition Review | Ruiyu Medical
On March 28, 2019, with the successful conclusion of the 17th Hebei (Spring) Medical Device Expo in 2019, the March exhibition was temporarily over. In this month's show, Ruiyu Medical's new products also appeared. Next, let's take a look at this month's show. 优泵使用讲解 在瑞宇展台的新品区,炫彩版胰岛素泵吸引了众多关注目光。 瑞宇医疗从未停止前进的步伐。 瑞宇医疗产品研发采用生产一代、在研一代、开发一代策略,紧跟市场和技术前沿,不断投入研发,采取新产品技术,争做行业先锋及驱动者。
Pay tribute to 2018, 2019, we walk hand in hand
Spring is coming to winterFour seasons2017 seems to be still yesterdayIt is nearing the end in 2018. Success is accompanied by hardships, joy accompanied by tears, and after a busy year of struggle, we also ushered in a bumper harvest. On December 29, 2018, Ruiyu Medical's 2018 Annual Work Summary and Commendation Conference was held. 各部门分别作出了2018年的工作总结和2019年的工作计划,董事长王永鑫作出了总结发言,首先肯定了公司各部门在2018年里取得的成绩与进步,对公司全体员工的辛勤付出也表示了赞扬。同时,也指出了公司在过去一年工作中存在的缺陷与不足,并提出了实际性的建议与对策,明确了公司2019年发展的方向及工作目标。 随后,董事长为本年度的优秀员工颁发了奖杯与奖品(云南6日5夜精品游),感谢他们为瑞宇医疗2018年所做出的贡献,全场不时爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。 有一种幸福,叫与精英一起共事;身边的他们,不敢放慢奔走的脚步;身边的他们,心中只有将工作做好的初心;身边的他们,始终以行动践行着勤学习勤思考勤实践;身边的他们,即使默默无闻却无时无刻不在发光发热。 2019,我们携手同行,不忘初心,砥砺奋进,谱写瑞宇新篇章。